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With You for
Ohioans' Medical Freedom
Medical Freedom is a right, not a privilege.
About Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom
OAMF is a non-partisan Organization advocating for your right to choose or refuse any medical treatment or procedure. The organization is comprised of ordinary people - doctors, nurses, engineers, lawyers, moms and dads, grandparents, etc - who have come together with one goal in mind. That goal is the preservation of freedom, more specifically medical freedom. Read More...
Urgent Calls to Action
Support the Conscientious Right to Refuse Act, HB112.
Adaline Deal needs a heart transplant.
Ken Long needs a heart transplant.
Legislative & Other Initiatives
The OAMF all-volunteer staff works hard to help ensure that Ohioans maintain their right to direct their own healthcare decisions without the interference of government, employers, schools, or other entities. We accomplish this by working with lawmakers to introduce legislation that would positively support this mission, and help block legislation that does not align with this mission. We also work at a patient-rights, employee-rights, and student-rights level with Ohioans who are facing discrimination for their healthcare decisions. Read More...
Vaccine Mandates and Exemptions
The landscape of Covid-19 emergency declarations, health orders, work and school mandates, evolving exemption policies, ongoing litigation, and legislative actions being taken nationally, in the state, and locally are a lot to keep up with. OhioAMF has provided information specific to the questions we're receiving about Covid-19 mandates, masks, and vaccines. Read more about Covid-19 and Daycare, School, and Workplace Vaccine Exemptions
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