Conscientious Right to Refuse Act - HB112
What is Conscientious Right to Refuse
Conscientious Right to Refuse (CR2R), Ohio House Bill 112, is proposed legislation to enact law via Ohio Revised Code to prohibit discrimination against an individual for the refusal of certain medical interventions for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions.
Conscientious Right to Refuse will accomplish the following:
Prohibit discrimination of any kind for adults and emancipated minors who refuse any vaccine, pharmaceutical, biologic, facial covering (that is not being used for surgery purposes), or a medical device used to track or store medical, financial or information, due to a conscientious or religious objection.
Prohibit refusal of medical care or transplant services to children whose parents decline vaccination for conscientious or religious objection.
Allows for litigation if discrimination occurs.
What is the current status of Conscientious Right to Refuse
Conscientious Right to Refuse is currently waiting introduction in the Ohio House of Representatives 136th General Assembly by bill sponsors Representative Jennifer Gross and Representative Beth Lear.
The legislation is being Co-Sponsored by: Tim Barhorst, Adam C. Bird, Thaddeus J. Claggett, Gary Click, Rodney Creech, Levi Dean, Ron Ferguson, Tex Fischer, Sarah Fowler Arthur, Thomas Hall, Adam Holmes, Marilyn John, Mark Johnson, Angela N. King, Roy Klopfenstein, Brian Lorenz, Ty D. Mathews, Riordan T. McClain, Kevin D. Miller, Melanie Miller, Diane Mullins, Justin Pizzulli, Kevin Ritter, D. J. Swearingen, Michelle Teska, Bernard Willis, and Heidi Workman.
Current Conscientious Right to Refuse Call-to-Action
1) Submit our One-Click Advocacy Campaign form below to send Ohio lawmakers a message asking them to support the Conscientious Right to Refuse Act (CR2R).
2) To amplify your support, please consider also taking the next few minutes to call or email Ohio lawmakers (contact info at the bottom of this page) to support the Conscientious Right to Refuse Act (CR2R) by working with Representative Jennifer Gross and Representative Melanie Miller.
3) Donate to Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (OAMF) so we can continue fighting for the rights of Ohioans.
​​​​History of Conscientious Right to Refuse
Conscientious Right to Refuse (CR2R) was introduced by Representative Jennifer Gross and Representative Scott Wiggam as Ohio House Bill 319 in the 135th Ohio General Assembly.
The legislation was Co-Sponsored by: Tim Barhorst, Adam C. Bird, Thaddeus J. Claggett, Gary Click, Rodney Creech, Bill Dean, Jay Edwards, Ron Ferguson, Thomas Hall, Adam Holmes, Marilyn John, Darrell Kick, Angela N. King, Roy Klopfenstein, Beth Lear, P. Scott Lipps, Brian Lorenz, Mike Loychik, Riordan T. McClain, Derek Merrin, Kevin D. Miller, Melanie Miller, Jena Powell, Sharon A. Ray, Tracy M. Richardson, Jean Schmidt, Dick Stein, Reggie Stoltzfus, D. J. Swearingen, Bernard Willis, and Tom Young.​​
Ohio House Bill 319, Conscientious Right to Refuse, received FOUR opposition testimonies and SEVENTY EIGHT proponent testimony, including proponent testimony from other organizations like National Vaccine Information Center, Cleveland Right to Life, and Ohio Christian Alliance. The testimonies can be found on the Ohio House website.
Ohio House Bill 319, Conscientious Right to Refuse, was voted out of the Ohio House Health Provider Services Committee with an overwhelming 7-3 vote on December 11, 2024. The bill expired on December 31, 2024 and needs reintroduced for consideration by the 136th General Assembly.
Conscientious Right to Refuse was a new, completely re-written iteration of Ohio House Bill 248, which was introduced in the 134th General Assembly by Representative Jennifer Gross, and Co-Sponsored by: Thomas E. Brinkman Jr., Gary Click, Rodney Creech, Bill Dean, Jay Edwards, Ron Ferguson, Sarah Fowler Arthur, Kris Jordan, Mike Loychik, Riordan T. McClain, Derek Merrin, Reggie Stoltzfus, A. Nino Vitale, Scott Wiggam, Paul Zeltwanger. To date, HB248 received the most written proponent testimonies of any piece of legislation in Ohio history. Legislators received nearly a thousand written testimonies for HB248, multiple thousands of phone calls, and tens of thousands of emails in favor of the legislation.
Conscientious Right to Refuse in the Media
Ohio Capitol Journal - Ohio bill would limit the ability of employers... 📄
Dayton Daily News - Ohio House moves closer on bill... 📄
Ohio Press Network - Submit your testimony... 📄
Country News Online - Ohio House Health Committee Appointments spell trouble... 📄​​​​​​​
One-Click Advocacy Campaign
Quickly and easily send Ohio lawmakers the below messages via our One-Click Campaign.
​​​​​​​Legislator Contact Information
Click here to identify your elected officials: House / Senate
Ohio Republican Representatives:
Brian Stewart - rep12@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1464
Michael D. Dovilla - rep17@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-4895
Cindy Abrams - rep29@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-9091
Mike Odioso - rep30@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8258
Bill Roemer - rep31@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-5085
Jack K. Daniels - rep32@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1790
Steve Demetriou - rep35@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-5088
Andrea White - rep36@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6008
Tom Young - rep37@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-6504
Phil Plummer - rep39@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-8051
Rodney Creech - rep40@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-2960
Josh Williams - rep44@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1418
Jennifer Gross - rep45@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8550
Thomas Hall - rep46@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-5094
Diane Mullins - rep47@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6721
Scott Oelslager - rep48@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 752-2438
Jim Thomas - rep49@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8030
Matthew Kishman - rep50@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-9078
Jodi Salvo - rep51@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8035
Gayle Manning - rep52@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-5076
Kellie Deeter - rep54@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-9628
Michelle Teska - rep55@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6023
Adam Mathews - rep56@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6027
Jamie Callender - rep57@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6074
Tex Fischer - rep59@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-6107
Brian Lorenz - rep60@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6711
Beth Lear - rep61@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1431
Jean Schmidt - rep62@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8134
Adam C. Bird - rep63@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6034
Nick Santucci - rep64@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-5441
David Thomas - rep65@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-3488
Sharon A. Ray - rep66@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8140
Melanie Miller - rep67@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-0961
Thaddeus J. Claggett - rep68@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1482
Kevin D. Miller - rep69@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-2500
Brian Lampton - rep70@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6020
Levi Dean - rep71@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1470
Heidi Workman - rep72@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-2004
Jeff LaRe - rep73@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8100
Bernard Willis - rep74@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-2038
Haraz N. Ghanbari - rep75@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8104
Marilyn John - rep76@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-5802
Meredith Craig - rep77@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1474
Matt Huffman - rep78@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-6344
Monica Robb Blasdel - rep79@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8022
Johnathan Newman - rep80@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8114
James M. Hoops - rep81@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-3760
Klopfenstein - rep82@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-5091
Ty D. Mathews - rep83@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-3819
Angela N. King - rep84@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-9624
Tim Barhorst - rep85@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1507
Tracy M. Richardson - rep86@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-8147
Riordan T. McClain - rep87@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6265
Gary Click - rep88@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1374
D. J. Swearingen - rep89@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6011
Justin Pizzulli - rep90@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-2124
Bob Peterson - rep91@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-3506
Mark Johnson - rep92@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-7928
Jason Stephens - rep93@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1366
Kevin Ritter - rep94@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-2158
Don Jones - rep95@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-8728
Ron Ferguson - rep96@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-3735
Adam Holmes - rep97@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 644-6014
Mark Hiner - rep98@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-2994
Sarah Fowler Arthur - rep99@ohiohouse.gov - (614) 466-1405
Ohio Republican Representatives Email Copy/Paste List:
rep12@ohiohouse.gov, rep17@ohiohouse.gov, rep29@ohiohouse.gov, rep30@ohiohouse.gov, rep31@ohiohouse.gov, rep32@ohiohouse.gov, rep35@ohiohouse.gov, rep36@ohiohouse.gov, rep37@ohiohouse.gov, rep39@ohiohouse.gov, rep40@ohiohouse.gov, rep44@ohiohouse.gov, rep45@ohiohouse.gov, rep46@ohiohouse.gov, rep47@ohiohouse.gov, rep48@ohiohouse.gov, rep49@ohiohouse.gov, rep50@ohiohouse.gov, rep51@ohiohouse.gov, rep52@ohiohouse.gov, rep54@ohiohouse.gov, rep55@ohiohouse.gov, rep56@ohiohouse.gov, rep57@ohiohouse.gov, rep59@ohiohouse.gov, rep60@ohiohouse.gov, rep61@ohiohouse.gov, rep62@ohiohouse.gov, rep63@ohiohouse.gov, rep64@ohiohouse.gov, rep65@ohiohouse.gov, rep66@ohiohouse.gov, rep67@ohiohouse.gov, rep68@ohiohouse.gov, rep69@ohiohouse.gov, rep70@ohiohouse.gov, rep71@ohiohouse.gov, rep72@ohiohouse.gov, rep73@ohiohouse.gov, rep74@ohiohouse.gov, rep75@ohiohouse.gov, rep76@ohiohouse.gov, rep77@ohiohouse.gov, rep78@ohiohouse.gov, rep79@ohiohouse.gov, rep80@ohiohouse.gov, rep81@ohiohouse.gov, rep82@ohiohouse.gov, rep83@ohiohouse.gov, rep84@ohiohouse.gov, rep85@ohiohouse.gov, rep86@ohiohouse.gov, rep87@ohiohouse.gov, rep88@ohiohouse.gov, rep89@ohiohouse.gov, rep90@ohiohouse.gov, rep91@ohiohouse.gov, rep92@ohiohouse.gov, rep93@ohiohouse.gov, rep94@ohiohouse.gov, rep95@ohiohouse.gov, rep96@ohiohouse.gov, rep97@ohiohouse.gov, rep98@ohiohouse.gov, rep99@ohiohouse.gov
Ohio Republican Senators:
Rob McColley - McColley@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8150
Theresa Gavarone - Gavarone@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8060
Michele Reynolds - Reynolds@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8064
George F. Lang - Lang@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8072
Stephen A. Huffman - Huffman@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-6247
Steve Wilson - Wilson@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-9737
Louis W. Blessing, III - Blessing@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8068
Kyle Koehler - Koehler@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-3780
Susan Manchester - Manchester@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-7584
Nathan H. Manning - Manning@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 644-7613
Terry Johnson - Johnson@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8082
Shane Wilkin - Wilkin@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8156
Jerry C. Cirino - Cirino@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 644-7718
Andrew O. Brenner - Brenner@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8086
Tim Schaffer - Schaffer@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8076
Mark Romanchuk - Romanchuk@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-7505
Thomas F. Patton - Patton@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8056
Bill Reineke - Reineke@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8049
Kristina D. Roegner - Roegner@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-4823
Jane M. Timken - Timken@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-0626
Brian M. Chavez - Chavez@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-6508
Al Landis - Landis@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-5838
Sandra O'Brien - OBrien@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-7182
Al Cutrona - Cutrona@ohiosenate.gov - (614) 466-8285
Ohio Republican Senator Email Copy/Paste List:
McColley@ohiosenate.gov, Gavarone@ohiosenate.gov, Reynolds@ohiosenate.gov, Lang@ohiosenate.gov, Huffman@ohiosenate.gov, Wilson@ohiosenate.gov, Blessing@ohiosenate.gov, Koehler@ohiosenate.gov, Manchester@ohiosenate.gov, Manning@ohiosenate.gov, Johnson@ohiosenate.gov, Wilkin@ohiosenate.gov, Cirino@ohiosenate.gov, Brenner@ohiosenate.gov, Schaffer@ohiosenate.gov, Romanchuk@ohiosenate.gov, Patton@ohiosenate.gov, Reineke@ohiosenate.gov, Roegner@ohiosenate.gov, Timken@ohiosenate.gov, Chavez@ohiosenate.gov, Landis@ohiosenate.gov, OBrien@ohiosenate.gov, Cutrona@ohiosenate.gov